DIEM Hibiscus Borgo Grappa Latina Italy Ibiscus

DIEM Hibiscus Latina - Italia

Our production,
your future.

Coming soon…

DIEM Hibiscus

With the fourth generation DIEM continues to be present in the horticultural market, more and more specialized in Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis production.

Borgo Grappa (Latina – Italy), is the production area that gives the opportunity at DIEM to obtain excellent production test thanks to the favorable climate condition recognized and shared by several horticultural producers, who have chosen this area for their cultivations.

In the respect of the environment where we live and we work, and for our workers, our productions are protected with the integrated pest management (IPM), the heating is made with a certified Italian biomass fuel, the rain water are used for the watering of the plants.


Selection and Breeding

From many years DIEM has developed an internal breeding program. All the varieties are hybridized with specific research scores; these varieties are tested in different cultivation size, trying to respect the most similar production conditions of our customers.

After 5-6 test years, the varieties are ready to be put in our different production lines , and of course, as novelties, in the international market. “Our breeding , your future!”

The varieties that are listed inside our catalogue are protected with royalties through CPVO (community plant variety office), to protect our genetic and to give to our customers and added value on their productionsfd.

Rooted cuttings and young plants

Rooted cutting
not pinched 25 mm

Young plant
14 cm pot 2/3 cuttings pinched

Young plant
17 cm pot 2/3 cuttings pinched